We have amazing, long standing, highly experienced and qualified staff to care for your children. The happiness of all our children is paramount. We provide a bright, stimulating and secure environment in which children can achieve their best potential. Our children enjoy a range of adult led and child initiated activities throughout the day and always have free-flow access into our fabulous garden. We are very fortunate to have excellent links with the school, using their school hall twice a week for music and movement.

Special Educational Needs

As part of the settings policy to make sure that its provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs a child may have.

The setting works to the requirements of the 1993 Education Act and The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2000).

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Jackie Keynes.

The number of adults present in the pre-school enables us to provide individual attention for each child. Each child is able to progress at their own pace in all areas of development. All staff work closely together with the Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) – who liaises with professionals across the range of special needs. If you wish to discuss the group’s ability to meet your own child’s special needs please talk to the pre-school Manager, SENCO, or your child’s key person.

The Government has asked all Local Authorities in the UK to publish, in one place, information about the services and provision they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from 0 to 25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND). This is known as the Local Offer.

At Yateley Community Pre-school we are committed to the inclusion of all children in our setting. We recognize the diverse and individual needs of all of our children and take into account the additional support required by those children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and do our utmost to support these children.

View SEND Policy

School Committee

At YCPS we are delighted to have a parent management committee whose members are elected at our Annual General Meeting by the parents of the children who attend the setting.

Committee Responsibilities:

  • Monitoring finances.
  • Employing and managing the staff.
  • Enforcing policies that help it to provide a high quality service.
  • Work in partnership with the children’s parents.
  • Organising fundraising events.

For further information, including how to join the committee, please contact our
Chair: Laura Harding chair@yateleycpreschool.co.uk


Sustainable schools contribute to sustainable development.
At Yateley Community Pre-school:

  • We grow fruit, vegetables and herbs in our pre-school garden.
  • Our garden uses natural materials such as bark flooring and wood stepping stones and is home to a number of insect hotels.
  • We will reuse, repair and recycle where safe and fit for purpose. e.g. old tractor tyres to play on and as plant containers.
  • We resell unwanted items from our parents to raise funds for pre-school.
  • We take part in the Bags2School fundraising scheme which facilitates the reuse and recycling of unwanted clothing and shoes.
  • We model social inclusion, our children have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, countries and languages.
  • We model corporate citizenship within our local area. Running stalls at a number of local fundraising events e.g. Yateley May Fayre and inviting local charities and organisations to run stalls at our summer fete.

The future holds many challenges for young people. A sustainable school prepares young people for a lifetime of sustainable living, through its teaching, fabric and its day-to-day practices. They make a positive effort to demonstrate responsible practices for their young people and communities, and engage them in learning about the issues and potential responses.

‘Planning a Sustainable School’
Department for Children, Schools and Families – May 2008

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Lovely pre-school.
The staff are so caring and go above & beyond – always!

Can’t fault the pre-school. All 3 of my kids loved it there.
Such amazing staff too.